My letter to Doctor Oliver Sacks

Recently, I sent an email to doctor Oliver Sacks. Here it is:

Dear doctor Sacks,

The chances are very high that you do not remember me but you influenced my writing greatly. In 2012, I sent you an email and your kind assistant Kate replied promptly. Then and there, I wanted to compliment your writing. And here and now, I write once again hoping this email finds you well, given the circumstances.

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Chris Kyle: a true hero?

A sniper is considered a hero after killing 160 people

Is Chris Kyle a hero?

American sniper Chris Kyle (1974-2013) is considered the deadliest sharpshooter in United States history, though he claimed others were more talented than him, like Carlos Hathcock. He began his training with the Navy, after being declined initially due to an arm lesion, where he specialized in the Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL school.

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Why I stopped listening to heavy metal

I love metal music, I do. Most of my music falls under this category (whether that’s good or bad), and when I ventured into finding new groups, I rarely stepped outside the realm of distorted guitars, power belting, rapid-firing drums and enchanting vocals–my inclination has always been towards female voices.

Continue reading “Why I stopped listening to heavy metal”